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PUBLIC MARKS with tags tools & script


keynotetweet - Project Hosting on Google Code

by simon_bricolo
open-source script that provides the capacity to participate in the backchannel by combining Twitter with Apple Keynote. All you have to do is add text wrapped in [twitter] and [/twitter] tags in the presenter notes section of a slide. When that slide comes up in the presentation the script grabs that text and sends it to Twitter on your behalf.


OpenPastebin - collaborative debugging tool

by ycc2106
Code-Snippet to URL service and uses OpenPaste to perform its function.

Chevereto, Free image hosting script |

by simon_bricolo & 2 others
open source image hosting script that can be used to create such a service with ease. The script offers uploading of both local & remote files. And you can choose to resize the image too. Chevereto Chevereto is integrated with TinyURL too & an user can optionally shorten the URL of the hosted image while uploading it. The script also comes with the documentation which covers creating a bookmarklet or a Firefox extension & more. It is built with PHP & requires no database to run.


Helvetireader |

by simon_bricolo & 10 others
Helvetireader is a userscript that pares down Google Reader to what I consider to be the essentials. In particular, it's made for looking at feeds in the expanded view, using Keyboard Shortcuts instead of on-screen buttons. :: Parallel SSH execution and a single shell to control them all

by camel (via)
Many people use SSH to log in to remote machines, copy files around, and perform general system administration. If you want to increase your productivity with SSH, you can try a tool that lets you run commands on more than one remote machine at the same time. Parallel ssh, Cluster SSH, and ClusterIt let you specify commands in a single terminal window and send them to a collection of remote machines where they can be executed. Why you would need a utility like this when, using openSSH, you can create a file containing your commands and use a bash for loop to run it on a list of remote hosts, one at a time? One advantage of a parallel SSH utility is that commands can be run on several hosts at the same time. For a short-running task this might not matter much, but if a task needs an hour to complete and you need to run it on 20 hosts, parallel execution beats serial by a mile. Also, if you want to interactively edit the same file on multiple machines, it might be quicker to use a parallel SSH utility and edit the file on all nodes with vi rather than concoct a script to do the same edit. Many of these parallel SSH tools include support for copying to many hosts at once (a parallel version of scp) or using rsync on a collection of hosts at once. Because the parallel SSH implementations know about all the hosts in a group, some of them also offer the ability to execute a command "on one host" and will work out which host to pick using load balancing. Finally, some parallel SSH projects let you use barriers so that you can execute a collection of commands and explicitly have each node in the group wait until all the nodes have completed a stage before moving on to the next stage of processing.

Tentakel to execute commands on multiple Linux or UNIX Servers

by camel
Many times, you want to execute a command not only on one server, but also on several servers. For example, find out * Version of kernel * Version of Apache web server * Update static html or images files on all web servers via rsync * Find out user information, server information, memory usage etc * Security/patch checking tentakel I have already covered how to execute commands on multiple Linux or UNIX servers via shell script. The disadvantage of script is commands do not run in parallel on all servers. However, several tools exist to automate this procedure in parallel. With the help of tool called tentakel, you run distributed command execution. It is a program for executing the same command on many hosts in parallel using ssh (it supports other methods too). Main advantage is you can create several sets of servers according requirements. For example webserver group, mail server group, home servers group etc. The command is executed in parallel on all servers in this group (time saving). By default, every result is printed to stdout (screen). The output format can be defined for each group.


Javascript Image Lazy Loader for Prototype |

by simon_bricolo
Lorsque l'on a une page présente de gros visuels, ce script permet en effet de charger progressivement les images au fur et à mesure de la descente dans la page

Operator User Scripts |

by simon_bricolo & 3 others
Scripts utilisateurs pour le plugin Operator pour Firefox

FlickrScrapr - A PDF album generator from flickr

by ycc2106
This XSL stylesheet takes as parameters a flickr user name (and optionally the name of a photoset of that user) and generates a photo album of the user's pictures. (.xml and .xsl files to download)


by ycc2106 & 1 other
Click on a link and a gallery is generated with your Flickr photos. (.js and .css files to download) Chek out the examples!



by ycc2106
PHP client for the Flickr web service. It has functions that return the responses from Flickr's API in a meaningful way for PHP developers. It will also contain functions that aggregate data from multiple methods. Compatible with PHP4.


by ycc2106 & 2 others
open source Flash image gallery that uses Flickr to manage the images. easily customizable via an XML file that describes the various options: which pictures or sets you'd like to display, if it should be as a slideshow, the colors, if there are thumbnail


by ycc2106 & 5 others
In real time, WhoLinked shows the other websites that are linking to you - from all over the Web.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag tools

ajax +   application +   art +   automatically +   blog +   blogging +   calendar +   color +   colors +   colour +   cor +   css + +   delicious +   design +   flickr +   fonts +   free +   fun +   generator +   google +   hosting +   html +   im +   image +   images +   internet +   javascript +   lang:en +   links +   online +   opensource +   photo +   programming +   reference +   rss +   search +   service +   socialsoftware +   software +   tag +   typography +   useful +   web +   web2.0 +   webdesign +   webdev +   wiki +   免費 +   工具 +  

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