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PUBLIC MARKS with tags tools & css


bouton de manchette

by magikmanu (via)
Une Autre Paire de Manches s'affaire à vous proposer un large choix de boutons de manchettes et autres passementeries, des plus simples aux plus décalés.


CSS Stats

by srcmax & 2 others
Webapp to visualize various stats about your css


Brackets - A modern, open source code editor that understands web design.

by srcmax & 3 others
With focused visual tools and preprocessor support, Brackets is a modern text editor that makes it easy to design in the browser. Try Creative Cloud Extract (preview) for Brackets for an easy way to get clean, minimal CSS straight from a PSD with no generated code.

Schreiben mathematische und chemische Formeln auf Web mit CSS

by 84GHz
Doppelpfeil ♦ Brüche ♦ Oxidationszahl ♦ Vektoren ♦ Limes und Massenzahl ♦ Summe und Integrale ♦ Wurzeln

GitHub's CSS · @mdo

by Spone (via)
I’m always interested in the development details of other products, particularly their styleguides and approach to CSS. Given my penchant for the otherwise inane CSS details, I decided to write a bit about GitHub’s CSS.

CSS at Lonely Planet - Ian Feather

by Spone
Inspired by Mark Otto's post Github's CSS I thought I would quickly jot down how Lonely Planet’s CSS is structured. I thought it was interesting to read some of the parallels and it’s good to share how we work.

Web Starter Kit

by Krome & 2 others
Your starting point for building great multi-device web experiences

Web Starter Kit

by srcmax & 2 others
Your starting point for building great multi-device web experiences

Phở Devstack - Automated workflow for front-end developers in one tasty bowl of code

by sbrothier & 1 other
Automated workflow for front-end developers in one tasty bowl of code. Compiling, minifying, auto-refreshing, CSS prefixing, image sprites,…

Pattern Lab | Build Atomic Design Systems

by srcmax
Pattern Lab is a collection of tools to help you create atomic design systems.



HTML presentation tools — Gist

by sbrothier & 1 other
There are many HTML presentation tools and they are all created for slightly different reasons. Here's an overview. Please let me know if I forgot any.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag tools

clipboard +   filesharing +   filestorage +   storage +   utilities +  

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last mark : 23/07/2013 07:39

last mark : 06/12/2012 13:29