public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags tools & access


net2ftp - a web based FTP client

by ycc2106 & 3 others
net2ftp gives you a fully featured ftp client within your browser. There’s even a skin designed for the iPhone.

Role Scoper |

by simon_bricolo
Role Scoper is a comprehensive access control solution, giving you CMS-like control of reading and editing permissions. Assign restrictions and roles to specific pages, posts or categories

User Access Manager |

by simon_bricolo
With the "User Access Manager"-plugin you can manage the access to your posts, pages and files. You only create a user group, put registered users to this and set up the rights for this group. From now on the post/page is only accessible and writable for the specified group. This plugin is useful if you need a member area or a private section at your blog or you want that other people can write at your blog but not everywhere.

Page Restrict |

by simon_bricolo
This wordpress plugin will allow you to restrict all, none, or certain pages to logged in users only.




Here is a collection of research tools I made, as you might have missed them the first time around. Many of them access the Google API.

by hurlantenova
Here is a collection of research tools I made, as you might have missed them the first time around. Many of them access the Google API.

Active users

last mark : 29/10/2009 15:09

last mark : 16/10/2009 17:14

last mark : 21/11/2006 13:51

last mark : 27/11/2005 00:11

last mark : 17/03/2005 02:23