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PUBLIC MARKS with tag "time machine"




by gregg
set the backup interval of Time Machine




Command Time Machine : Make Mac Work

by Adri1bip (via)
With it's spacey presentation and it's promise of effortless data safety, Time Machine is the marquee feature of OS X Leopard, mentioned in every review as worth the price of the upgrade alone. While the ability to minimize data loss on any machine is fantastic, Time Machine presents some unique challenges for the people tasked with maintaining those machines. The minimal configuration options that make Time Machine so easy to use can also make it hard to control. Fortunately, there are more tools available than are exposed in the graphical interface.

Good folders to exclude from Time Machine backups :: Ryan Block

by xibe

It’s worth noting, though, that if your machine’s drive does fail, you won’t be able to execute a full restore without having some of these locations backed up. Then again, if you’re anything like me, you’re far more likely to just do a full reinstall and just restore your lost user data. (Doing a full restore from backup just doesn’t have many advantages compared to a full system reinstall, anyway.)


Creating Snapshot Backups Of Your Desktop With Timevault On Ubuntu 7.10 | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel & 3 others (via)
Time Machine, une des fonctionnalités phares de Mac OS X 10.5, Leopard, qui permet de créer automatiquement des sauvegardes de son disque dur afin de permettre la récupération de données peu importe le moment où elles ont été présentes sur votre disque, a maintenant un équivalent pour les systèmes d'exploitation GNU/Linux. En effet, TimeVault, un utilitaire de sauvegarde open-source permet de faire la même chose. Vous pourrez prendre des images de votre disque dur à différents intervalles pour ensuite restaurer des données que vous aurez effacés.


Macworld: Podcasts: Video highlights from WWDC 2006

by nhoizey (via)
Les meilleurs extraits de la keynote de Steve Jobs à l'Apple Worldwide Developer Conference 2006

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