January 2007
April 2006
Anonymous Email, Fake Email, Block Junk Email, Free Spam Blocker
by ycc2106 & 10 othersSometimes we all see a promotion online that looks too good to be true. We give a company our e-mail address and a week later we have 1,200 new SPAM e-mails a day. Save yourself the hassle by using a disposable, anonymous e-mail address. MyTrashMail provides a great service for free that lets you use an anonymous address very quickly, with no password or sign-up needed. It’s perfect for things like e-mail verification, signing up for promotions, and dealing with people you’re not fond of.
March 2006
January 2006
October 2005
spamgourmet - free disposable email addresses, spam blocker
by AdverseE & 25 othersanonymous emailer
Stop spam with Sneakemail 2.0, the spam stopper, disposable email, forwarding, spam filter service
by AdverseE & 4 othersdisposable email addresses
by AdverseE & 11 others"PookMail.com is a disposable email account system. Use PookMail.com to avoid give your personal email address to untrusted sites. It's very easy and fun! Just pick one and give it to the guy or website who asks your for your email address
Jetable.org - Home
by AdverseE & 6 othersTo avoid spam, jetable.org provides you with a temporary email address.
dodgeit - free. receive-only. email. no set up. rss.
by AdverseE & 13 othersSet up an email address, receive the email via RSS or check the mailbox directly at dodgeit.
July 2005
(13 marks)