public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags sys & linux

January 2007

Why Gentoo Shouldn’t be on Your Server

by mbertier & 1 other (via)
The experience has been a bit of a mixed bag. There are things I really like about Gentoo: the package management, USE flags and the sophisticated dependencies system. But unfortunately the drawbacks are severe for a server setting.

November 2006

htop - an interactive process-viewer for Linux

by mbertier
This is htop, an interactive process viewer for Linux. It is a text-mode application (for console or X terminals) and requires ncurses. Tested with Linux 2.4 and 2.6.

February 2006

February 2005

by Krome & 7 others (via)
Wiki sur l'administration réseau

by mbertier & 7 others (via)
Wiki sur l'administration réseau

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag sys

monitoring +   performance +   tools +  

Active users

last mark : 29/01/2007 14:39

last mark : 28/02/2005 21:49