March 2008
SXSW Breakout App of 2008: What Will it Be? - ReadWriteWeb
by springnetSXSW extravaganza in Austin has been an application king maker for the last two years at least; Google's Dodgeball blew up there in 2006 and Twitter went from elite-chic to massively popular there in 2007. Who's it going to be in 2008?
May 2007
Geek To Live: Replace Windows Explorer with Xplorer2 - Lifehacker
by springnetike Firefox is a must-have replacement for Internet Explorer, a file manager called Xplorer2 blows Windows Explorer out of the water
April 2007
Stardock ObjectDock
by springnet & 10 othersMacifies the icons on your pc and puts them in to a dock just like the Mac.
I love my new Mac (list of cool utilities from Twitter) « Scobleizer - Tech Geek Blogger
by springnetI asked the 2500+ people following me on Twitter what their ideas were for me to load up and in just the first minute got dozens of suggestions. Here’s some of the first:
LH Top 10: Free Computer System Recovery Tools - Lifehacker
by springnet & 1 othercomputer system recovery tools
January 2007
November 2006
Daily Cup of Tech » Build a USB Drive Mail System
by springnet & 1 otherI have combined an e-mail client (which also does RSS feeds), a portable SMTP server, and a small launcher application together with a customized autorun.inf file to create a complete portable mail system!
August 2006
July 2006
PHP Help: PHP Calendar Tutorial
by springnetIn this tutorial, we're going to create a calendar using PHP. There may be simpler ways of creating a calendar than the examples in this tutorial, but that's ok because we're going to practice using some advanced arrays, date/time functions and work on ut
by springnetTightVNC is a free remote control software package derived from the popular VNC software. With TightVNC, you can see the desktop of a remote machine and control it with your local mouse and keyboard, just like you would do it sitting in the front of that
(11 marks)