public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags stress & web

May 2010

Outils de contrainte pour tester votre serveur Web

by balluche
Outil de stress d'applications web dans la même lignée que NeoLoad, c'est à dire, tests de charge + monitoring hardware. Ne tourne que sous windows bien sûr. Microsoft met à disposition ces outils depuis 2000.

June 2009


by rodo
Siege is an http regression testing and benchmarking utility. It was designed to let web developers measure the performance of their code under duress, to see how it will stand up to load on the internet. Siege supports basic authentication, cookies, HTTP and HTTPS protocols. It allows the user hit a web server with a configurable number of concurrent simulated users. Those users place the webserver "under siege."

Active users

last mark : 08/05/2010 14:29

last mark : 11/06/2009 10:13