Home | Email Standards Project
by mbertier & 22 others (via)The Email Standards Project works with email client developers and the design community to improve web standards support and accessibility in email.
SimplePie: Super-fast, easy-to-use, RSS and Atom feed parsing in PHP.
by mbertier & 21 othersSimplePie is a very fast and easy-to-use class, written in PHP, that puts the ‘simple’ back into ‘really simple syndication’. Flexible enough to suit beginners and veterans alike, SimplePie is focused on speed, ease of use, compatibility and standards compliance.
HTML Purifier - Filter your HTML the standards-compliant way!
by mbertier & 18 othersHTML Purifier is a standards-compliant HTML filter library written in PHP. HTML Purifier will not only remove all malicious code (better known as XSS) with a thoroughly audited, secure yet permissive whitelist, it will also make sure your documents are standards compliant, something only achievable with a comprehensive knowledge of W3C's specifications.
Charte Conseil Régional d'Aquitaine 2006 - Accueil
by mbertier & 4 othersLa charte Internet du Conseil régional d'Aquitaine est un outil opérationnel destiné à :
* Faciliter la mise en conformité progressive des sites Internet avec les lois et standards en matière d'accessibilité ;
* Veiller à la prise en compte de bonnes pratiques qualité au regard de l'utilisabilité des sites Internet, de leur fonctionnement, de leurs contenus et des services qu'ils proposent ;
* Faire connaître les exigences, textes, liens et informations concernant l'accessibilité et la qualité des sites Internet ;
* Contribuer à l'existence sur le Web de contenus et de services régionaux de qualité et accessibles au plus grand nombre.
AKBK home - Project Coding Standards
by mbertier (via)These are general notes applied to Projects that I work on, the main intent is to try and make the code maintainable over a long period of time.
(7 marks)