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PUBLIC MARKS with tags ssh & ftp


From the Tips Box: Xbox Controller Hacks, High-Res iTunes Artwork, and Healthier Popcorn

by maxxyme
Grab iTunes Artwork for Music, Movies, and TV Shows Photo by Photo Mojo Matthew wote in with a roundabout way to retrieve blocked high-res iTunes artwork: It’s been a real drag not being able to get at the high-resolution artwork since Apple blocked our attempts (Ex: The Josher Method). But there is a new found way that is available to anyone that owns an Apple TV or possibly a regular Mac! While browsing my Apple TV, I noticed that when a movie, TV show, or song is selected, there is a high-res image of the album/cover art displayed to the left. This got me thinking, it has to be stored somewhere for it to show it. I did some digging and found a folder in the file system for just that purpose. Full-sized art in unencrypted jpg format is “cached” in separate folders on the hard drive. With a SSH or FTP-enabled Apple TV, navigate to /mnt/Scratch/private/tmp/Front Row/Images There, folders contain the cover art of all music/TV shows/movies that was selected in the last browsing session! There will also be the low-res images there, but ignore them. The high-res images will be named original.jpg.

2008 FTP, SFTP, FTPS, Secure Ftp difference

by holyver (via)
Secure FTP, FTP/SSL, SFTP, FTPS, FTP. What's the difference?



by lecyborg
freeSSHd, like it's name says, is a free implementation of an SSH server. It provides strong encryption and authentication over insecure networks like Internet. Users can open remote console or even access their remote files thanks to buit-in SFTP server.

MySecureShell SFTP-Server

by lecyborg & 1 other
Vous recherchez un serveur ftp très sécurisé, facile à installer, à administrer et à configurer ? Alors MySecureShell est fait pour vous ! De plus, il est entièrement GRATUIT ! MySecureShell est basé sur OpenSSH ! Vous avez donc toute la sécurité très poussée de celui-ci PLUS des fonctionnalités complémentaires et très puissantes qu'offre notre logiciel ! Voici un aperçu des possibilitées de MySecureShell : - Contrôle de la bande passante. - Sécurisation de l'affichage des droits. - Administration du serveur en interface graphique. - Gestion de l'activité du serveur grâce aux logs. - Contrôle des utilisateurs par ip, groupes... Nous n'avons pas tout énuméré, mais pour plus d'information vous pouvez visiter la section Descriptif.


Complete Debian Linux Server Setup Tutorial

by david23 & 4 others
This is atep by step tutorials how to setup Debian server this includes Debian Installation FTP Server Setup in debian Webserver Setup in Debian Samba Server Setup in Debian Database Server Setup in Debian Time clock sync for debian server Mail Server Configuration in Debian VNC Server setup in Debian Proxy Server Setup in Debian SSH Server Setup in Debian tftp Server Setup in Debian DHCP Server Setup in Debian IPtables Configuration in Debian DNS Server Setup in debian


BlockHosts - automatic blocking of abusive ssh hosts | A C Zoom

by macroron
to record how many times "sshd" or "proftpd" is being attacked, and when a particular IP address exceeds a configured number of failed login attempts - most suitable for home Linux users, who need to keep ssh/ftp ports open

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