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PUBLIC MARKS with tag spdy


SPDY Performance on Mobile Networks - Make the Web Faster — Google Developers

by night.kame (via)

In prior experiments, we found page load times to be highly variable over real 3G and 4G cellular networks, making it hard to draw conclusions without running hundreds of experiments per site in order to estimate the statistical distribution. To reduce this variability, the phone was tethered to the desktop machine hosting the server using a USB connection, and traffic shaping was applied to the tethered connection using Dummynet. We emulated a 3G network with uplink bandwidth of 1 Mbps, downlink bandwidth of 2 Mbps, and a round-trip delay of 150 ms. These values were chosen as representative of cellular network performance in the United States. Note that packet loss was not included in the traffic shaping parameters, since cellular networks hide packet loss at the PHY layer, and our previous experiments have shown a TCP-level packet loss of less than 1% over typical cellular networks.

Google mesure la performance de SPDY sur les réseaux mobiles... en simulant le réseau mobile. Ils auraient aussi pu simuler SPDY, comme ça on aurait eu une couverture méthodologique à 100%.



Google veut doubler la vitesse du web en améliorant le protocole HTTP -

by srcmax

SPDY veut notamment améliorer les délais de latence et diminuer le nombre de connexions nécessaires, avec un nombre «paquets» transmis plus faibles (mais plus denses en information). Les résultats, avec un prototype de serveur et un Chrome optimisé? Un chargement des pages 55% plus rapide.

Chromium Blog: A 2x Faster Web

by srcmax

Today we'd like to share with the web community information about SPDY, pronounced "SPeeDY", an early-stage research project that is part of our effort to make the web faster. SPDY is at its core an application-layer protocol for transporting content over the web. It is designed specifically for minimizing latency through features such as multiplexed streams, request prioritization and HTTP header compression.

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