The Audio Advance - Gameboy Advance Sound Resources
by sylvainulg"where everyone (?) learnt from GBA audio"
Bilou HomeBrew's Blog: modplayer
by sylvainulgI'm starting a serie of articles on extending 0xtob's XM module player on the nintendo DS with more effects.
Une petite série d'articles où j'ajoute le support de différents effets (portamento, vibrato, tempo/speed, etc.) à la bibliothèque libntxm sur nintendo DS
Open Cubic Player
by sylvainulg (via)my best chance to get code that
* plays (xm) effects correctly
* handles soundcards that have hardware mixing
gbadev.org :: View topic - MOD format - question about 'period'
by sylvainulganother one to be read
gbadev.org :: View topic - Article series on sound programming
by sylvainulgmight give me clue on programming deeper in libntxm ...
(8 marks)