May 2005
February 2005
December 2004 Haier sparks Beijing backlash on state assets
by tsalon"an intense debate among mainland policymakers about the ownership of state assets."
November 2004
Hong Kong Youth Awareness and participation in politics and social affairs
by tsalonNot really news. But an issue of concern as youth apathy in politics and social affairs threatens the sustainability of the society.
日不落: 迷失香港、迷失中大──本土語言在「國際化」下的萎縮
by tsalonlocal perspective: 香港不能成為大文化,但卻不甘心於只為小文化,同時又要吸引外來資源,便選擇靠攏大文化,美其名則是國際化,以為這樣可以躍登龍門,甚至獨當一面。
Generation Born Under One-Child Policy
by tsalonwhat are the implications for society of millions of young people who never learned to share?
September 2004
August 2004
(19 marks)