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PUBLIC MARKS with tags social & weblog


Why Blogs Need To Be Social - GigaOM

by benoit
Si seulement on pouvait avoir des outils de blogging corrects pour se passer de facebook and co...


Drag & Drop Social Bookmark Link Generator

by crazy_chris (via)
Simply choose from 18 popular services (digg,, reddit, newsvine, ...), set the sort order, generate the links and put the code on your website or blog. You can also download the code with images as zip-file. Cool drag & drop interface (yui)!


Sites 2 Regg

by kkrizka
A website that synchronizes latest postings from digg and reddit and shows the differences between them. People then can submit missing links to the other news source.

Adoppt: Make Friends, Have Fun

by ycc2106 & 3 others
Adoppt is a community of online friends, diaries and journals, answers, bookmarks, photos... with tags and some ajax effects. It's very quick!

Yuku - Free Hosted Blogs, Message Boards and MORE!

by ycc2106 & 1 other
Yuku is profiles, image sharing, blogs and discussion boards community like MySpace but looks nicer and with Ajax effects.


by ycc2106 & 2 others
Community, story plot, weblog

Welcome to my blinklife BlinkLife | Share your life's special moments with family and friends.

by ycc2106 & 4 others
BlinkLife is a new communication tool to help you share your favorite stories with the people that are closest to you. BlinkLife makes it far faster, simpler, and more enjoyable to share the latest and greatest news, pictures, and videos with your family and friends. From MindValley

Welcome to Boxxet

by ycc2106 & 1 other
Boxxet (pronounced "box set") brings together the "best of" news, blogs, photos, gear, services and much more on people's favorite subjects.

typolis: Home

by ycc2106
* Blogging as easy as can be * Image and text * Full skinability for advanced users * RSS-feed for every page (where RSS makes sense) * Memberships and subscriptions * Multiuser * Multiblog Features to be: * Video-Blogging * Moblogging via email

Wobble / wobbled news

by ycc2106
Digg for blogs using categories


by ycc2106 & 2 others
Bubbler Instant Publisher makes it easy to create dynamic web sites, blogs and wikis and update them with fresh content—text, images, video and audio clips, links, files, RSS, and contributors. With an elegant interface, drag and drop ease of use, and d



PUBLIC TAGS related to tag social

change +   delicious +   jail +   justice +   prison +  

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last mark : 21/04/2006 09:44

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last mark : 11/04/2005 23:18

last mark : 30/03/2005 22:38

last mark : 21/11/2004 22:13