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PUBLIC MARKS with tags service & idea


True size - the next standard in product visualization

by ycc2106
True Size’ is developing a service whereby full-scale pictures of products that can be bought at any store are displayed at their actual size. The objective of this solution is a clear one: increasing the satisfaction of customers by providing them with an accurate impression of what to expect if they place an order through the http://WWW. True size ends with a consumer's need to visit a regular (offline) shop to see what a product really looks like. This in turn will boost any web shop's conversion rates



by oqdbpo
dishola /dish•ō•lâ/ v. To share the love of food - dish by dish. n. The ultimate source to find real meals at real places that rule.


by oqdbpo


by oqdbpo
新しい広告媒体です。そして、その媒体は人間のおでこです。 消費者の目線と同じ高さで企業や商品メッセージを伝える人間媒体です。人間ですから、表情やメッセージ性を高めることが出来ます。企業や商品の想定ターゲットが出没しやすいエリアを選出、少人数のグループで同じ場所に留まる事無く、繁華街から路地裏まで徘徊する移動型の広告媒体です。サンプリングや消費者参加型のキャンペーンまで、限られた広告予算を最大限に活用でき、インパクトの大きな広告、販売促進戦略が立案できます。

Things I have learned in my life so far

by oqdbpo
The idea for this site originally came out of my own list in my diary, under the very same title: Things I have learned in my life so far. Astonishingly, I have only learned twenty or so things so far. Over the last five years I did manage to publish these maxims all over the world, in spaces normally occupied by advertisements and promotions: as billboards, projections, light-boxes, magazine spreads, annual report covers, fashion brochures, and, recently, as giant inflatable monkeys.

2006 - The first stock exchange on headline news

by ycc2106
On, you can bet on the popularity of politicians, sporting teams or events, ideas, stars, natural catastrophies, etc., in fact on any word that makes the headlines. The words are rated according to the number of times they appear in 3000 anglo - The first stock exchange on headline news

by ycc2106 & 1 other
On, you can bet on the popularity of politicians, sporting teams or events, ideas, stars, natural catastrophies, etc., in fact on any word that makes the headlines. The words are rated according to the number of times they appear in 3000 anglophone media web sites from around the world. Buy the words you believe in, sell the others!


by ycc2106
The community blog Roundtuit takes a similar idea and asks people to submit their unwanted ideas to them.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag service

index +   indexation +   windows +  

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last mark : 30/09/2009 22:03

last mark : 25/04/2008 05:03