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PUBLIC MARKS with tags service & audio


Un service de visio simple et "anonyme"

by Giraultises & 2 others (via)
Gruveo est un service pour faire des vidéo-conférence ou audio-conférence entre 2 personnes. Il suffit juste d'aller sur le site, de démarrer une conversation et d'envoyer l'url à votre correspondant. Pas d'install, pas d'inscription, juste très simple ! A oui et la dernière chose, c'est qu'il existe une application pour Android.


Langham Partnership to Provide Christian Literature to 100s of Seminaries Worldwide

by YukihiroKawashi
The Langham Partnership has launched a new literature catalogue this month with the aim of helping invest in the resources of hundreds of leading Christian and theological seminaries worldwide

2006 - Podcast Transcript Search and Transcription Service

by slogoo & 4 others
Castingwords可以将播客的音频文件转换成文本文件, 这样播客可以将文本文件连同音频文件一起发布, 这些文本会被搜索引擎收录并被给这个播客带来流量. 这个转换工作由人工完成, 当然还会加

Rocketinfo - The RSS Search Company

by ycc2106
RSS search engine with date, audio and news support and RSS reader service

TracBac -Design collaboration just got better!

by ycc2106 & 1 other
TracBac makes it simple for designers / creators to share, comment, collaborate and interact with their clients. It's simple, easy, and web-based.

Talkr -- Letting blogs speak for themselves

by ycc2106 & 12 others
Talkr allows you to listen to text-only blogs on your iPod.


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag service

backup +   data +   database +   hosting +   rest +   storage +  

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last mark : 24/04/2006 20:53

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last mark : 21/05/2005 03:36