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How to stop brute force attacks against xmlrpc.php

by alamat (via)
According to Wikipedia, XML-RPC is a remote procedure call (RPC) protocol which uses XML to encode its calls and HTTP as a transport mechanism. “XML-RPC” also refers generically to the use of XML for remote procedure call, independent of the specific protocol. This article is about the protocol named “XML-RPC”.


Running Vhosts Under Separate UIDs/GIDs With Apache2 mpm-peruser On Debian Etch | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel & 1 other (via)
This article explains how you can install and configure apache2-mpm-peruser on a Debian Etch server. apache2-mpm-peruser is an MPM (Multi-Processing Module) for the Apache 2 web server, very similar to apache2-mpm-itk, but faster (almost as fast as apache2-mpm-prefork). mpm-peruser allows you to run each of your vhosts under a separate UID and GID - in short, the scripts and configuration files for one vhost no longer have to be readable for all the other vhosts. It is based on metuxmpm, a working implementation of the perchild MPM. The result is a sane and secure web server environment for your users, without kludges like PHP's safe_mode.

How To Install And Use The djbdns Name Server On Debian Etch | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel & 1 other
djbdns is a very secure suite of DNS tools that consists out of multiple parts: dnscache, a DNS cache that can be used in /etc/resolv.conf instead of your ISP's name servers and that tries to sort out wrong (malicious) DNS answers; axfrdns, a service that runs on the master DNS server and to which the slaves connect for zone transfers; and tinydns, the actual DNS server, a very secure replacement for BIND.

How To Install And Use The djbdns Name Server On Debian Etch | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel
djbdns is a very secure suite of DNS tools that consists out of multiple parts: dnscache, a DNS cache that can be used in /etc/resolv.conf instead of your ISP's name servers and that tries to sort out wrong (malicious) DNS answers; axfrdns, a service that runs on the master DNS server and to which the slaves connect for zone transfers; and tinydns, the actual DNS server, a very secure replacement for BIND.


Sécuriser son Ubuntu-server - Prendre un Café

by camel & 6 others
Sécuriser son Ubuntu-server - Prendre un Café


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