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PUBLIC MARKS with tags server & python



Tornado Web Server Documentation

by greut

Tornado comes with limited support for WSGI. However, since WSGI does not support non-blocking requests, you cannot use any of the asynchronous/non-blocking features of Tornado in your application if you choose to use WSGI instead of Tornado's HTTP server. Some of the features that are not available in WSGI applications: @tornado.web.asynchronous, the httpclient module, and the auth module.

in other words: WSGI sucks

libcloud python library - a unified interface cloud server providers

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
Libcloud is a standard client library for many popular cloud providers, written in python. Exactly what I talked about a few weeks ago when asking for a common API to all cloud server providers. Now search for a way to convert / move an image from one provider to another !

evserver - Google Code

by greut

EvServer is a lightweight http server, created especially to host python WSGI applications. Additionally, it supports little known Asynchronous WSGI extension, which was suggested by Christopher Stawarz. Using this extension it's possible to create an output html response in many data chunks, without blocking the main server process while your application waits for external resources.

Comet the WSGI way.


ZSFA -- Son Of Sam Email Server

by greut

SoS is just a Python based SMTP server that can receive emails, process them using handlers based on routing regex, and then relay results out again using templates. All of this is done without using alias files, m4 macros, pipes, weird protocols, or duplicate processing of the emails.

one simple pythonic SMTP server

Python Package Index : morbid 0.8.1

by greut

A Twisted-based publish/subscribe messaging server that uses the STOMP protocol



by greut
Carmen is an application server driven by RDF, N3, OWL and SPARQL and based on Twisted.

by jdrsantos & 12 others
Zope is an open source application server for building content management systems, intranets, portals, and custom applications. The Zope community consists of hundreds of companies and thousands of developers all over the world...

Woof - Partage simple de fichier par HTTP - Yop

by camel
Woof - Partage simple de fichier par HTTP - Yop


PEP 333 -- Python Web Server Gateway Interface v1.0

by benoit & 1 other
This document specifies a proposed standard interface between web servers and Python web applications or frameworks, to promote web application portability across a variety of web servers.

Palabre :: Flash Xml Multi-User Socket Server

by GavrocheLeGnou
Palabre - Flash Xml multiuser server. Written in python. Connects Flash for games, chat, ...., Palabre 0.5 has been released. Pre-built for Windows now ! with Mysql Authentification support And Crossdomain support without web server


by sunny & 1 other
Karrigell est un canevas de développement web écrit en Python


ADOdb Database Abstraction Library

by camel & 11 others (via)
for PHP (and Python) for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Firebird, Interbase, LDAP, Access, VFP, DB2 and many other databases

ADOdb Database Abstraction Library

by François Hodierne & 11 others (via)
for PHP (and Python) for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Firebird, Interbase, LDAP, Access, VFP, DB2 and many other databases

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag server

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