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PUBLIC MARKS with tags security & debian


Parrot Security OS 3.3

by alamat & 1 other (via)
Palinuro has announced the release of Parrot Security OS 3.3, a new release of the project’s Debian-based, specialist distribution with a collection of utilities designed for penetration testing, computer forensics, reverse engineering, hacking, privacy and cryptography:


Install and setup Xen on Debian 4.0 Etch — Lone-Wolf Scripts

by camel (via)
Xen is a GPLed virtualization solution available in Debian 4.0 Etch repositories. This article help you to create a coherent Xen installation, with backups and minimum security enhancements. This guide fits my vision of a Xen setup. If it does not fit yours, you are free to adapt it to your needs, or to not use it. For information In this guide, i use the term "virtual host". Be aware that Xen use its own terminology. In a Xen setup, instanciated (aka. started) virtual hosts are called "Domains". Once your computer configured for Xen, all the operating systems run in "domains". The original operating system, where the Xen's control tools are installed, is called "dom0" (for domain No zero). All the guest operating systems are said to be installed in a "domU" (for User domain). As i'm a little lazy (well, yeah... very lazy), i don't want to endure this mind twisting, and i will mainly use the "virtual host" term in this guide. So, if you read this guide, don't by angry at me because of the terms i use.

Automated security updates in Debian « N0T a Blog

by mbertier & 3 others (via)
Subscribing to the security mailing lists is a must for every sysadmin, but who has the stamina and the determination to actually read them, and then analyze the impact of both the threat and the proposed fix? A more casual user with no life-or-death-critical servers would happily settle for a solution that would download and install the security patches automatically. As always in Linux, there is more than one way of achieving this. cron-apt works for me.

Installer et configurer OpenVPN sur Debian 4.0 Etch

by lecyborg
OpenVPN est un logiciel permettant de créer des réseaux privés virtuels sans utiliser des technologies telles que PPtP (Microsoft) ou IPSec. Il est de plus disponibles sur de nombreux systèmes d'exploitation (Microsoft Windows, GNU / Linux, MacOS X, ...). C'est une solution simple pour gérer un réseau privé virtuel composé de machines hétéroclites dans un environnement n'autorisant pas IPSec.


Running eBox on debian sarge

by lecyborg & 2 others
This article shows how to run a file-, print-, HTTP proxy- DHCP-, and time server for small and medium enterprises (SME) on one single Debian Sarge system. It is very easy to set up, and management is done with an easy-to-use web interface called eBox so once the system is set up, you can forget about the command line. eBox was developed to administrate advanced services for corporate networks, and it was created for Debian Sarge. I want to say first that this is not the only way of setting up such a system. There are many ways of achieving this goal but this is the way I take. I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you!


Manuel de sécurisation de Debian - Après l'installation

by camel
Vous pouvez définir dans celui-ci les limites des ressources par utilisateur


Debian Administration :: Tightening PHP Security

by camel & 1 other
There are a lot of Debian systems running PHP code, and in their default state the Debian PHP packages don't tighten up security as much as they could. There are a lot of badly coded scripts out there which can be abused by malicious users. (PHP is in alone in that regard!)

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