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PUBLIC MARKS with tags ruby & download

July 2007

rubyosx - Ruby One-Click Installer for OSX

by ycc2106 & 1 other
This package is the most simple way to equip your Macintosh Apple OSX System with Ruby

February 2007

December 2006

October 2006

September 2006

January 2006

FreeRIDE: IDE for the Ruby

by cascamorto
This is the home page for FreeRIDE, an IDE for the Ruby programming language. FreeRIDE will run on as many platforms as possible (currently runs on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X). The goal of FreeRIDE is simple, yet ambitious: to become THE cross-platform IDE of choice for the Ruby community. We want FreeRIDE to be a first-class IDE on par with those available for other languages.

Ruby Scripts Library

by cascamorto
Here are the contributions of the Ruby developers of the SketchUp community. Thanks to all the authors. Metrique Page en français: tous les scripts traduits en français et utilisant les unités métriques. Metric English page: All the Ruby scripts in english, using metric units Imperial English page: All the Ruby scripts in english, using imperial units SU2POV page: home of the SketchUp exporter to POV-RAY freeware raytracer Useful Ruby Links page: Several links to great sites where you can learn Ruby

The blog of Tobin: Windows Ruby On Rails IDEs and Text Editors

by cascamorto (via)
Since I personally chose M$ Windows as my developmetn platform, so was interested to read about the comments left by other Windows users who have their own favourite editors. For your pleasure, here's a summary of those Windows editors.

Neoxen Qwined Award Winning Fully Featured Developer´s Editor

by cascamorto
Regular expressions can be used for searching for patterns rather than literals. Neoxen Qwined is currently able to syntax style these languages: Ada, Apache config file, Assembler, Avenue, Baan, Batch, Bullant, C/C++/C#, CSS, Difference, Errorlist, Eiffel, Fortran, HTML, HTML with embedded JavaScript, VBScript, PHP and ASP, IDL - both MSIDL and XPIDL, INI properties and similar, Java, JavaScript, LaTEX, Lisp, Lout, Lua, Make, MatLab, nnCron crontab, NSIS, Pascal, Perl, but not all of the language, PHP, PL/SQL, PostScript, POV-Ray SDL, Python, Resource, Ruby, Shell, SQL, VB and VBScript, XML, YAML


by cascamorto & 6 others (via)
Locomotive is a flexible one-click solution to Ruby on Rails development for Mac OS X 10.3+.

RubyScript2Exe - A Ruby Compiler

by cascamorto & 4 others (via)
RubyScript2Exe transforms your Ruby script into a standalone, compressed Windows, Linux or Mac OS X (Darwin) executable. You can look at it as a "compiler".

David Crow: Ruby on Rails Editors and IDEs

by cascamorto & 1 other (via)
A question was asked on the Trilogy Alumni list about IDEs for Ruby on Rails . Like a lot of Rails developers I’ve been using TextMate and I love it. (I’ve started using Locomotive for development). Here’s the list:

RadRails - A Ruby on Rails IDE

by cascamorto & 38 others (via)
RadRails is an integrated development environment for the Ruby on Rails framework. The goal of this project is to provide Rails developers with everything they need to develop, manage, test and deploy their applications. Features include source control, debugging, WEBrick servers, generator wizards, syntax highlighting, data tools and much much more.

KavaScript - for the discriminating coder

by cascamorto & 1 other (via)
KavaScript breathes new life into JavaScript by extending it with syntax and features inspired by expressive, dynamic languages like Ruby and Perl. KavaScript is an enhanced dialect of JavaScript designed to make your coding more productive, rewarding, and fun.

Ruby on Rails

by cascamorto & 52 others
Rails is a full-stack, open-source web framework in Ruby for writing real-world applications with joy and less code than most frameworks spend doing XML sit-ups

RubyForge: Bienvenue

by cascamorto & 19 others
RubyForge is a home for open source Ruby projects; thanks to the folks who make it possible!

*** APPRENDRE à PROGRAMMER avec Ruby - Christopher David PINE ***

by cascamorto & 2 others
Document PDF - Traduction de Jean-Pierre ANGHEL - Si vous voulez programmer un ordinateur, vous devez "parler" dans une langue que votre machine comprendra : un langage de programmation. Il existe de nombreux langages de ce type, et certains sont même excellents. Dans ce tutoriel j’ai choisi d’utiliser mon langage de programmation favori, Ruby.

RubyCentral : The Source for Ruby

by cascamorto
Welcome to RubyCentral, a growing web resource for everything to do with the Ruby language. See : Links & Downloads sections

Ruby Homepage Downloadable documents

by cascamorto
* Ruby 1.4.6 Reference Manual * English reference manual for Ruby 1.6 is not yet prepared. See Ruby 1.6 Library reference online. * accumulates Ruby-related documents widely. * Recently, stdlib-doc project accumulates RDoc-based documents for Ruby standard libraries widely.

*** Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby ***

by cascamorto & 29 others
This is just a small Ruby book. It won’t crush you. It’s light as a feather (because I haven’t finished it yet—hehe). And there’s a reason this book will stay light: because Ruby is simple to learn.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag ruby

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