public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags ruby & blogging

February 2007

Experts: Teenage Girls Falling into Cultural Dangers of Sex

by JomeiKujo & 2 others
A new report on teens and sex revealed an overall decline in high school students ever having engaged in sexual intercourse yet studies have also shown more teenagers retracting their virginity pledges. Amid the studies, more parents are raising concerns on cultural trends that may be degrading the ...

July 2005

Elite Journal

by svartling & 1 other (via)
The goals of Elite Journal are to be a simple to install and use personal online journal (aka "blog", but I dislike that word). Elite Journal is written in Ruby, using the Ruby on Rails framework.


by svartling & 2 others (via)
Scratch is the minimalist's web log. Scratch gives you nothing more than the meta-weblog API for posting. Reading is done via Atom or RSS. That's it. There's no HTML to hack up. You don't have to use the same, tired old web log template that everyone else is using. Break out of that blue, rounded rectangle! Be original! Thumb your nose at those primitive apes still using the web! Use Scratch! Scratch can also serve as a framework for developing your own weblog package.

Active users

last mark : 21/02/2007 06:24

last mark : 16/07/2005 13:59