December 2006
Motor-controlling PWMs
by YukuanBlog一個脈寬調變(Pulse-width Modulation, PWM)訊號可控制一顆 DC motor 轉速,或決定一具 servo motor 的方向、位置或轉速。在複雜的機器人身上,常用上好幾顆馬達,因而能以一顆微控制器(microcontroller, uC)產生多組 PWM 訊號是非常實用的。
Software Anti-interference
by YukuanBlog為了維持機器正常運作,除了硬體設計上要把雜訊干擾納入考量外,軟體也不可以坐以待斃,以下整理一些簡單、低階的軟體抗雜訊手段:
October 2006
Robot Programming : A Practical Guide to Behavior-Based Robotics
by YukuanMarkJones, one of the inventors of the first widely adopted consumer robot,introduces the history and theory behind behavior-based programming, teaches skills needed for programming a robot, and provides readers with a virtual robot on a web site to test prog
August 2006
by YukuanMark本書主要闡述了基於行為的機器人編程思想和相關編程技巧,比較詳細地介紹了在編程過程中有可能遇到的各種問題,並據此提出了相應的解決方案,提供了大量的行為代碼和仲裁代碼示例。本
April 2006
Programming Robot Controllers
by YukuanMarkIncluded with Programming Robot Controllers are all the software tools that you will require to develop your own robot applications. I choose the Microchip PIC16F627 microcontroller because it has flash memory (allowing it to be easily reprogrammed withou
(5 marks)