August 2007
SRV-1 Mobile Robotic Webcam with Zigbee
by springnetremotely-controlled webcam or self-navigating autonomous robot, the SRV-1 can be managed from a Windows, Mac OS/X or Linux base station, and the Java-based console software includes a built-in web server to monitor and control the SRV-1 via a web browser
October 2006
BSIM User Manual
by YukuanMarkWelcome to BSim, a behavior based robot simulator. BSim is designed to allow users to experiment with behavior based programming techniques without requiring access to an actual robot (The B in BSim stands for behavior). BSim enables users to create simpl
September 2006
Simbad 3d Robot Simulator.
by YukuanMarkSimbad is a Java 3d robot simulator for scientific and educationnal purposes. It is mainly dedicated to researchers/programmers who want a simple basis for studying Situated Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and more generally AI algorithms, in t
August 2006
(6 marks)