Building Semantic Web CRUD operations using PHP
by parmentierf & 1 otherCreate, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations are the most basic database operations, but they are also the most crucial. CRUD operations are typically done using the Structured Query Language (SQL) on relational database systems. As the Web is becoming more and more data-oriented, there is a need to shift from SQL-based CRUD operations to Semantic Web-based CRUD operations. Learn how to use PHP to perform CRUD operations over the Semantic Web.
Easy RDF and SPARQL for LAMP systems - ARC RDF Classes for PHP
by parmentierf & 2 others (via)ARC is a flexible RDF system for semantic web and PHP practitioners.
It's free, open-source, easy to use, and runs in most web server environments.
RDFaiser votre blog, 2ème partie : la pratique | Les petites cases
by nhoizey & 1 otheren quoi RDFa permettait de décrire la structure du message contenu dans une page Web et comment on pourrait facilement générer du RDFa à partir des données structurées dans la base de données de votre CMS
Planning a Semantic Web site
by parmentierfThe Semantic Web brings with it the opportunities for users to get smarter search results, and for site owners to get more targeted traffic as users find what they really want. But these benefits don't just magically appear. This article leads you through the aspects of both information architecture and general infrastructure you need in place to truly take advantage of this burgeoning opportunity.
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