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PUBLIC MARKS with tags rdf & api



by Xavier Lacot
this document defines an API for extracting structurated information from web pages, using the RDFa formalism.


4store - Scalable RDF storage

by parmentierf
4store, an efficient, scalable and stable RDF database. Système de gestion de base de données RDF open source pour des grands volumes de données (annonce 15 milliards de triplets !!). Propose un sparql endpoint, une API REST pour ajouter ou enlever des données, un système de backup. Pas de précision sur la façon de supporter les graphes nommés. Pas de support de Jena ou Sesame.

Bill de hÓra: Snowflake APIs

by greut (via)

RDF is worth learning for a different reason — the profound enlightenment experience you will have when you finally get it. That experience will make you a better format and data API designer for the rest of your days, even if you never actually use RDF itself a lot. (You can get some beginning experience with RDF fairly easily by writing and modifying simple files like FOAF and DOAP for social networks and software projects, or RDFa extensions for XHTML.)

2008 : About

by Spone
DBpedia is a community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia and to make this information available on the Web. DBpedia allows you to make sophisticated queries against Wikipedia, and to link other data sets on the Web to Wikipedia data.


How to publish Linked Data on the Web?

by Xavier Lacot
There is already a lot of structured data accessible on the Web through Web 2.0 APIs such as the eBay, Amazon, Yahoo, and Google Base APIs. Compared to these APIs, Linked Data has the advantage of providing a single, standardized access mechanism instead of relying on diverse interfaces and result formats.

RDFAlchemy - Openvest - Trac

by greut
The goal of RDF Alchemy is to allow anyone who uses python to have a object type API access to an RDF Triplestore.

Flickcurl: C library for the Flickr Web Service API

by greut & 2 others
Flickcurl is a library for calling the Flickr web service API, handling the API signing and the token management plus providing wrappers for some of the APIs.

Flickcurl: C library for the Flickr Web Service API

by nhoizey & 2 others
This utility uses the photos.getInfo API to interpret the description fields and the tags for a photo URI into RDF triples. If raptor is present, it will be used to provide proper serializing to RDF rather than the built in and hacky ntriples/turtle output. Machine tags when they are found are scanned for xmlns:prefix=uri and then all other machine tags with that prefix turn into triples. Several prefixes are also pre-defined by the library to automatically get turned into triples without an xmlns, such as blue:, cell:, filter: and geo:. Non-machine tags are not yet interpreted.

Flickr : Machine tags

by philippej & 6 others (via)
« # Wait, aren't machine tags just RDF ? No, machine tags are not RDF; they could play RDF on television, though. »


ARC - RDF and SPARQL for PHP developers

by piouPiouM & 1 other
ARC - RDF and SPARQL for PHP developers is a lightweight, SPARQL-enabled RDF system for mainstream Web projects. It is written in PHP and has been optimized for shared (or otherwise performance- or privilege-limited) Web environments.

RAP - Rdf API for PHP V0.9.4 - Home

by piouPiouM & 5 others (via)
RAP is a software package for parsing, searching, manipulating, serializing and serving RDF models.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag rdf

aggregator +   atom +   feed +   fwicki +   gregarius +   online +   reader +   rss +  

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Xavier Lacot
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