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PUBLIC MARKS with tags quote & python


[Python-Dev] Breaking undocumented API [Guido van Rossum on following style guides]

by marco (via)
All I want to say is, people lighten up. The style guide can't solve all your problems. You are never going to have all code compliant. Use the style guide when it helps, ignore it when it's in the way.


Super-sising YouTube with Python

by greut

don't waste time writing code to restrict people

after the video that was great the slide on how YouTube scaled. Interesting as always.


plope - What Not To Do When Writing Python Software

by greut

Cargo-cult code. Nobody is perfect. Stop for a second and make sure you're not aping something that's even worse than what you might come up with if you started from scratch.

Need to show that to some people I know.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag quote

book +   learning +   psyche +  

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