June 2007
January 2006
Apple - QuickTime - Tutorials - Creating Video for iPod
by fox_bWith QuickTime 7 Pro, you can create your own videos that will play on the new iPod. Already have great home movies you want to play on your iPod? No problem. QuickTime 7 Pro helps you easily convert them to a format that iPod understands.* Just follow these easy instructions and you'll be watching your own video on your iPod in no time.
November 2005
ChrysOnline Vlog Videoblog, le premier full flash vlog videoblog. vlog, videoblog, vblog, videoblogue, vlogger, vloggers, videoblogger, videobloggers, videoblogeur, podcasting, podcast, vodcast, vodcasting, webcasting, web video, flash vlog, flash videobl
by chrysonline & 1 otherLe premier vlog videoblog en technologie flash
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by chrysonlinele blog des vloggers et videobloggers français et francophones
(5 marks)