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PUBLIC MARKS with tags ps3 & xbox


Jeu de foot

by France (via)
Toute l'information sur vos jeux vidéos de football préférés, comme FIFA ou PES ! Que vous soyez console ou PC, découvrez des astuces, des tutos et des vidéos pour vous améliorer


Jeu-vidéo : actu, chroniques et dossiers -

by Fluctuat (via)
Jeux Video : l'actu du jeux video sur : chroniques, dossiers et interviews + les derniers billets publiés sur Chamboultout, le blog du gaming.

Free Nintendo Wii, While Stocks Last!

by belebay
To get a free nintendo wii by completing simple offers.

Soluces de jeux vidéo pc, xbox 360

by ballo
Le meilleurs du jeu vidéo sur internet, avec soluces, astuces, etc...

PS3 Orders Slowing Down, Retailers Shying Away

by ehdmi
If you take a look at eBay, Craigslist and the other sites out there, they are absolutely flooded with people trying to sell PS3's. There are even people trying to dump the PS3 for an EVEN swap for a Wii.(big loss) It appears retailers are taking a BIG notice of this


These Guy's Really "Dig" the XBox 360

by ehdmi
OK, we would all like to have a XBox 360 and do some HD gaming right? Well, there's a story breaking in Jacksonville, FL that's just a tad bit ridiculous.. - Lots of high tech hard to find electronics at ultra low prices. (PS3, Wii, Plasma, etc.)

by webzf & 2 others
The latest in Electronics, Computer Hardware/Software, Accessories, PS3, Wii, XBOX360 and more! Exclusively at

Scareface: The world is yours

by joe_buck_1969
The Scarface video game will create a gameplay environment that authentically recreates the historical time period of the film, touching on politics, news items and events of the day. Players will travel through the steamy, often violent streets of Miami, the irie islands of the Florida Ke

.: 72eViL1A :. » Blog Archive » no que no Sony

by 72evil1a
Sony rebaja el precio de si consola PS3 pór miedo a que sus clientes opten por otra marca.

Generation: Gamerz

by gamerprime & 1 other
News. Reviews. Culture. Insight. By Gamerz. For Gamerz.

What's the trend? 360 vs PS3 vs Nintendo Wii

by ehdmi
I ran the numbers to get a feel of how popular the keywords, 360,wii and ps3 were and the results were fairly predictable. There has been a pretty large drop in 360 inquires since the other 2 have come onto the scene. HDTV Breaking News Feeds

by ehdmi, 1 comment
Live breaking news on HDTV's, HD DVD, Blu Ray, PS3, XBox360 and more.


by Doomie (via)
Jogos - A G4mers é uma fonte conceituada de informação sobre jogos PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox, Nintendo, GameCube, PSP, DS, GBA, PS2, PS3, PlayStation 3, e Xbox 360. Notícias sobre jogos, truques, dica, análises, previews e muito mais!

PlayStation 3 e o artigo polémico de Josh Robinson - Especiais - Analisámos toda a polémica acerca do artigo de Josh Robinson sobre a PS3.

by bcpbcp
"Passei algum tempo do ano passado a desenvolver para a PlayStation 3. Na verdade, era uma demonstração cinematográfica para ser exibida na E3 2005 numa sessão à porta fechada. "


The Technology Suits

by monstershp
Technology Suits offers a lighthearted insight into the news items and topics being discussed on the business side of things, in industry only groups and private membership boards.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag ps3

berlin +   berlin-friedrichshain +   dvd +   filme +   games +   intalex +   kino +   lord wilson +   Microsoft XBox360 +   news +   nintendo +   Nintendo wii +   pc +   podcast +   somethinstupid +   sony +   sony playstation +   specials +   video +   wii +   xbox360 +  

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last mark : 18/02/2006 13:08

last mark : 26/09/2005 04:24