public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags programmer & programming


10 Resources for Design-Challenged Programmers

by wabaus
A list of 10 resources (web sites and books) to identify your current design faults and break you out of your comfort zone.

10 Websites On How To Be A Better Programmer

by wabaus
10 websites (both old and new) that offer suggestions on how programmers can improve their programming skills.




About Us

by feision
What is Eclipse? Eclipse is an open source community whose projects are focused on providing a vendor-neutral open development platform and application frameworks for building software. The Eclipse Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation formed to advance the creation, evolution, promotion, and support of the Eclipse Platform and to cultivate both an open source community and an ecosystem of complementary products, capabilities, and services. As it says in the Purposes section of the Foundation’s Bylaws: The purpose of Eclipse Foundation Inc.,(the "Eclipse Foundation"), is to advance the creation, evolution, promotion, and support of the Eclipse Platform and to cultivate both an open source community and an ecosystem of complementary products, capabilities, and services.

FrogBSD Blog » Nearly All Binary Searches and Mergesorts are Broken

by feision
Nearly All Binary Searches and Mergesorts are Broken Filed under: Programming — zmx @ 10:40 am 每個 Programmer 都寫過既常用又簡單的 Binary Search,真的簡單嗎? From Google Research Blog 1946 年,第一個 Binary Search 演算法 1962 年,第一個 “正確” 的 Binary Search 演算法,最前面十八個都錯了. 1986 年,Jon Bentley 在課堂上和 Programming Pearls 這本書中,說明了這麼簡單的演算法(1962版)可以犯下多少的 bug. 2006 年,書中那個大眾引用的程式被抓到 integer overflow bug.

如何成為 Hacker 與 Programmer

by YukuanMark
這幾篇文章的論點彼此都有些出入,不過可以從中看出 Programmer 與 Hacker 相似的人格特質、執著、對關鍵的掌握度,以及自我肯定的途徑。


Dan's coding practice area

by danielcer
Descriptions and implementations of simple programs and algorithms in various different programming languages.

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last mark : 29/08/2005 05:04