public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag poll


How do you install Symfony2 (the full-stack framework or the components)?

by Xavier Lacot
A poll about the developer's favorite Symfony installation methods. Composer rocks the world.


BrandFolium Blog: Photopoll - Instant Feedback Made Beautifully Easy

by oseres (via)
Photopoll is a fast, intuitive and fun way to ask connected friends for their feedback. The idea behind this iOS application is very simple: create quick polls for friends to comment with the help of images. 60% of US social network users are at least somewhat likely to take action when a friend posts something about a product, service, company or brand on a social media site*. As more consumers access social media on the go, their in-store shopping decisions will be affected by these same influential brand-related discussions. *ROI Research 2011 Photopoll is the tool to create, nourish and enhance these conversations by bringing the traditional polling experience to the next level thus positioning itself as the easiest social decision tool for connected consumers.

Yahoo! poll shows Filipinos willing to boycott China-made goods

by alamat (via)
The controversy over the so-called Spratly Islands in the West Philippine Sea (which is also called the South China Sea) has driven calls for a boycott on Chinese-made products.



xat chat. Free chat rooms. Make your own chat group.

by ycc2106 is a fun social networking site with the coolest online chat box. Run your own chat, Poll Quiz SlideShow...

Poll Of The Week posted in Polls on Slotvent

by slotvent
Following my recent rant about what people write in there blogs im actually curious about the people that read them. I have added a poll to the bottom of this post in order to find out your favorite kind of site.

twtpoll :: a simple survey/poll twitter app |

by simon_bricolo & 5 others
allows you to create a very simple survey. Simply type your survey question, fill in the choice answers, and embed/share it. Survey participants can even leave comments after they have completed it.


McCain Shop at Vote for John McCains V.P. campaign buttons in 2008 horse race for President & Vice President. Current Polling results from votes.

by uaw
John McCains VP vice-president campaign buttons poll for 08 presidential election. BUTTON POLL The rules of the GOP Shoppe's Vice Presidential Button Poll are simple - every button sold counts as one vote for that potential running mate. The potential Vice Presidential candidates used in this poll are purely speculation and in no way reflect any official choices. As in past VP Button Polls, we welcome any other suggestions to add to the list. No active Presidential candidates will be added to the list. Vote as early and as often as you like, you could affect the future of one VP hopeful. See the current status of your choice on the Current VP Button Poll Results page.


opensurveypilot |

by simon_bricolo
puissant logiciel open source de création d'enquêtes et sondages en ligne

Projects/phpESP |

by simon_bricolo
PHP scripts to let non-technical users create surveys, administer surveys, gather results, view statistics. All managed online after database initialization.

Jyte: Spread the Cred

by cyberien & 3 others (via)
Claim anything! Yes, anything. If you have something to say, then make a claim and let the community vote on it. Make claims about yourself, friends, and family. Put your stake in the ground and see where the votes go!

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag poll

calendar +   events +   polldaddy +   programmation +   sondage +  

Active users

Xavier Lacot
last mark : 30/10/2012 16:54

last mark : 11/12/2011 23:26

last mark : 06/07/2011 17:28

last mark : 01/03/2010 15:44

last mark : 19/11/2009 08:23

last mark : 20/10/2009 18:04

last mark : 17/04/2009 19:57

last mark : 03/04/2009 20:07

last mark : 04/11/2008 16:59

last mark : 25/07/2008 07:27

last mark : 18/03/2008 00:40

last mark : 01/07/2007 11:41

last mark : 06/06/2007 19:44

last mark : 25/05/2007 14:40