Go Font Yourself!
by irolsFor the low price of $199.00, you can Go Font Yourself! Chank will turn your handwriting into a font, and forevermore your typed correspondence can have the personal touch of a hand-written note.
Download Free Fonts and Dingbats | Urbanfonts.com (Polices de caractère)
by irols & 32 othersSee our amazing collection of free fonts and free dingbats. With over 8,000 freeware fonts, you've come to the best place to download fonts.
Créez vos polices avec Windows XP
by cascamortoSous Windows XP, il y a un petit logiciel caché qui vous permet de créer vos propres caractères (vos propres polices si vous voulez...)
Il suffit de faire demarrer -> executer -> et de taper la commande eudcedit
Font Tester - Online Font Comparison Tool - Preview Fonts - Compare Screen Type
by discret & 45 othersTesteur de polices de caractères en ligne
(5 marks)