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PUBLIC MARKS with tags photography & diy


Bring In a View Like You’ve Never Imagined

by sbrothier
for more ways to bring the outdoors into your home? Artists Darius Kuzmickas and Abelardo Morell have you covered. They specialize in camera obscura, a centuries-old technique that takes the idea of a pinhole camera and applies it to an entire room.


'DIY streetview' camera lets you be Google | Crave - CNET

by sbrothier
As Google takes Street View off-road with its new Trekker backpacks, German company Streetview Technology is taking the mapping technology in yet another new direction -- DIY terrain.




Dirkon - The Paper Camera []

by sbrothier & 5 others
DIRKON – THE PAPER CAMERA During the 1970s, magazines published in Communist Czechoslovakia were controlled by the state, like the majority of other enterprises. Very few good magazines were available and were difficult to get hold of, so people would borrow and exchange them when given the opportunity. This also applied to magazines aimed at young people, which was probably one of the reasons why almost everyone from my generation, when we get on to the subject of pinhole cameras, has fond memories of the cut-out paper camera known as Dirkon*, published in 1979 in the magazine ABC mladých techniků a přírodovědců [An ABC of Young Technicians and Natural Scientists].

Corbis Readymech Cameras

by sbrothier
Oubliez un peu votre ordinateur ! Téléchargez, imprimez et construisez votre propre sténopé, conçu exclusivement avec les images et illustrations de Corbis. Suivez les instructions et amusez-vous bien.

Build an HDR robot

by sbrothier
Students studying the Graduate Diploma of Advanced 3D Production course from New Zealand's (Auckland) Media Design School have built a robot which allows a DSLR camera to take 360 degree panoramic HDRIs. In 3D packages these images are shown to effectively simulate realistic settings and lighting effects.

The Battlefield Pinhole Camera Takes Amazing and Multi-Part Pinhole Photos - Camera Hacks - Lifehacker

by ghis (via)
If you're interested in pinhole photography but you've been underwhelmed by some of the simple pinhole designs we've shared and you've seen around the net, the Battlefield Pinhole Camera is like the luxury SUV of the DIY pinhole camera world.

The Best DIY Beauty Dish |

by sbrothier & 2 others
For anyone doing portrait work, the term “beauty dish” is bound to crop up sometime or another, whether it’s reading Strobist, looking at the technical notes from shoots, or simply surfing for more gear you don’t need. Over the last year, there’s been a lot of interest in DIY (do it yourself) beauty dishes, made of everything from plastic salad bowls to aluminum turkey roasting pans. With the annual slowdown of concert season this winter, I decided to undertake my own DIY project and set out to see what this beauty dish business was all about.

ikea hacker: Ivar loves Dolly

by sbrothier (via)
Lights, camera, Ikea hack! Romain turns the Ivar side unit into rails for the cam. "A few days ago, I found out that the Ivar "wooden ladder" was perfect to use it as rails for my cinema dolly! I can now make some nice sequence shots with this 18€ accessory from Ikea."

Dan Saelinger Photography » Build Your Own Dolly

by sbrothier & 1 other, 1 comment (via)
As mentioned on numerous posts, like every other photographer these days I’m making the leap into video. While equipment is relatively affordable things can quickly add up especially when you start getting into the numerous needed accessories. I knew a dolly was going to be a necessary purchase pretty early on and I had been eyeing the great kit offered at Microdolly, but at around 2000.00 it was a bit more than I wanted invest this early on.


Cheap Fisheye - a set on Flickr

by 4004 (via)
Made from the innards of a broken Sigma 28-200mm lens. Cost £5 from the camera shop in watford, Bargain :)

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