December 2006
April 2006
February 2006
Yahoo! Design Pattern Library
by vista & 15 othersWelcome to the Yahoo! Design Pattern Library. We are very happy to be sharing our library with the design and development community. This is our first drop of what we hope to be a monthly release cycle for the publication of patterns. In many cases we have bundled the patterns with pointers to related code from the Yahoo! User Interface Code Library. We hope this is a useful resource and look forward to your feedback.
阿修的部落格 ? Yahoo!釋出UI /Design Pattern Library
by vistaYahoo很慷慨的把他們自己使用到的Ajax的>UI 和>>Design Pattern Library用開放原始碼的方式公開,像是自動完成、麵包屑(就是紀錄來時路讓你可以找到回家的路的那些連結)、標籤、分頁、評分等常用的元件,或是一些更基礎的小東西,都可以在裡面找的到,相信對Web 2.0的開發人員會有很大的幫助。另外,Yahoo也開了一個user interface blog,作為和Developer的溝通管道。
(4 marks)