Hubert de Lartigue : pas à pas "X-wing"
by sbrothier & 1 otherNe vous est-il jamais arrivé de triturer un vieux ticket de métro entre deux stations ?
Moi je l'ai fait durant six mois (en 2004 année magique) en me demandant comment lui donner une forme cool.
Corbis Readymech Cameras
by sbrothierOubliez un peu votre ordinateur ! Téléchargez, imprimez et construisez votre propre sténopé, conçu exclusivement avec les images et illustrations de Corbis. Suivez les instructions et amusez-vous bien.
Marshall Alexander - Paper Engineer
by sbrothier & 4 others
I am a Dutch paper engineer, based in Arnhem, and my work mainly focuses on the creation of papertoys. I either create completely new characters from scratch or I transform existing characters into papermodels. My speciality is one-piece papertoys, models that consist of a single flat piece of paper, which by intricate folding is transformed into a 3-dimensional model. I also create more complex templates consisting of several parts that are glued together to construct the final model. I've have done commissioned work for the toy industry, for promotional purposes and for books and magazines. Growing up in the seventies and eighties, my personal work is heavily inspired by retro design, videogames, movies, bright plastic toys and TV cartoons. Most of this work can be downloaded for free from my site. So get your knives and glue out, download some of the models and start building. Enjoy!
by sbrothier & 3 othersMy name is Ron Rementilla and I run Paperkraft.net to help guide people find the best free papercrafts on the web and promote the works of prominent and up-and-coming paper modelers, even the obscured ones.
Canon France - Animaux 3D Paper Art
by sbrothier & 1 otherCréez vos propres animaux en papier : de mignons petits animaux amusants à fabriquer. Choisissez parmi les chiens ou les autres animaux plus exotiques. Lorsque vous aurez fini de les fabriquer, pourquoi ne pas leur donner un nom ?
Faites entrer le zoo chez vous grâce à de superbes maquettes d'animaux.
Papertoys (PaperCraft) à télécharger - Jean Claude Attitude
by sbrothier & 4 othersVoici quelques liens ou vous pouvez trouver des papertoys, cette liste est mise à jour régulièrement
Custom Paper Toys
by sbrothier & 2 othersHi friends, welcome to Custom Paper Toys! This is home for all the little paper creatures I make. There is a list over to the right of all my free paper toys you can download and have for your very own. I'll post a new free Paper Toy of the Month every month. I'll also be posting a stray paper toy here and there as well as my paper toy commissions and collaborations. Thanks for stopping by!
Fwis • Readymech Series 002
by sbrothier & 17 othersReadymechs are free, flatpack toys for you to print and build. They are designed to fit on an 8.5"x11" page and printed with any printer. You’ll need double-sided tape, thick matte paper, and 10-15 minutes for build time.
Avions en papier et Bateaux en papier ORIGAMI
by alexandre & 2 others (via)Comment faire des Avions en papier? Comment faire des Bateaux en papier?, Zona Minada vous offres 50 modèles d'avions et bateaux du papier ont classé dans les catégories suivantes: Planeadores, Cazadores, Torbellinos , Volteadores et Barcos de papel
Avions en papier et Bateaux en papier ORIGAMI
by sbrothier & 2 othersComment faire des Avions en papier? Comment faire des Bateaux en papier?, Zona Minada vous offres 50 modèles d'avions et bateaux du papier ont classé dans les catégories suivantes: Planeadores, Cazadores, Torbellinos , Volteadores et Barcos de papel
Paper Airplanes - the best origami paper planes to fold and fly
by cherbourg & 1 other (via)Best Paper Airplanes .com is a free site that illustrates unique folded paper airplanes that you'll find nowhere else - because these ten models are original, copyrighted designs. These are paper aircraft made by folding paper in the style of Japanese origami yet they all fly. Some are complex, some simple, all are fun.
Paper Airplanes - the best origami paper planes to fold and fly
by sbrothier & 1 otherBest Paper Airplanes .com is a free site that illustrates unique folded paper airplanes that you'll find nowhere else - because these ten models are original, copyrighted designs. These are paper aircraft made by folding paper in the style of Japanese origami yet they all fly. Some are complex, some simple, all are fun.