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PUBLIC MARKS with tags panama & yahoo!

December 2007

パナマの解説本が米国で大人気! 著者のモナ氏に突撃インタビュー | Web担当者Forum

by kuroyagi

July 2007


by kuroyagi
P2Pとウェブ動画共有サービスのVeohは、同社CEOにYahooエグゼクティブだったSteve Mitgangを採用したと発表した。

Doing Keyword Research? Here Are Some Resources To Help!

by kuroyagi
Of course, the tool IS designed for Yahoo's paid search customers. Why should it care if others get a free ride off it? Mainly, because it's good PR for Yahoo.

June 2007

Yahoo! Panama First Look

by kuroyagi (via)
Detailed below are Panama-related data points accumulated across 33 current Avenue A | Razorfish search clients. These data reflect changes in search volume, click rate, cost per click (CPC), and conversion rate for the 10 days prior to, and 10 days post, Panama launch.

Press Release: Reprise Media Releases "Inside Yahoo Panama" - the Most Detailed Review Yet of the "New" Yahoo Search Marketing

by kuroyagi
According to the report, Yahoo campaigns improved significantly in several areas since Panama’s release, with cost per clicks declining more than 6% and average click through rates increasing by 32%.

May 2007

April 2007

TechCrunch Japanese アーカイブ » PanamaだけではGoogleと戦うのに不十分―Yahoo、RightMediaを買収

by kuroyagi
Yahooは今日(米国時間4/29)、広告ネットワークのRightMedia の株式の80%を$680M(6億8千万ドル)のキャッシュとYahoo株式で取得すると発表した。Yahooはすでに同社株の残り部分を買収ずみ。

New Google AdWords Dashboard Looks Like Yahoo Panama

by kuroyagi
Similarities include : * Personalized advertiser alerts * Campaign forecasting in chart, graph form * More account transparency * Focus on traditional marketing metrics like CPM

Preliminary Scorecard: How Effective Is Yahoo's Panama Upgrade?

by kuroyagi
In many accounts, we've also noticed average CPC (cost per click) & CPA (cost per acquisition) have decreased. In most cases, CPC and CPA have decreased in the 6 to 7 and in the 7 to 8 percent range respectively.

March 2007

February 2007

米ヤフー 広告プラットフォーム兼製品担当 スティーブ・ミットギャング 上席副社長 - nikkei BPnet

by kuroyagi
本稼働を間近に控えた新プラットフォームについて、米ヤフーで広告プラットフォームと広告サービスに関する開発・マーケティングの責任者を務めるスティーブ・ミットギャング(Steve Mitgang)上席副社長に聞いた。

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag panama

cap +   fashon +   hat +   shopping +  

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last mark : 13/12/2007 02:42