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PUBLIC MARKS with tag otp


Google Apps propose l'authentification forte

by Giraultises (via)
Google Authenticator est un nouveau service qui renforce l'accès à Google Apps. Il permet ainsi une authentification à 2 facteurs : le traditionnel mot de passe et un OTP (code utilisable une fois) qui sera fourni par un logiciel installé sur votre smartphone. Un bon point !


gen_server behaviour in Erlang - You don't want to read this.

by greut

The power of OTP comes from the fact that properties such as fault tolerance, scalability, dynamic-code upgrade, and so on, can be provided by the behavior itself. In other words, the writer of the callback does not have to worry about [those things] because this is provided by the behavior.

Erlang Community - A fast web server demonstrating some undocumented Erlang features - Trapexit

by greut & 1 other

This HOWTO describes a web server written for the day when even Yaws is not quick enough.

Yubico - Trust the net

by wabaus
"The YubiKey is a new, simple and secure authentication solution. With a simple click on the YubiKey button, your identity and a unique password is sent every time you use it. The device connects to the USB port, fits in your wallet and works on all platforms and browsers, without the need of any client software. Together with the Yubico back-end integration platform, we enable quick and easy integration with any online service."

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag otp

accès +   authentification +   google +   mot de passe +   sécurité +  

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