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PUBLIC MARKS with tags osx & operating-systems

04 November 2005

OSx86 Project - Home

by macroron & 6 others
the latest news about OS X on x86 hardware. We're not about hacking - we're here to discuss the world's most advanced OS on x86 hardware. Check out our wiki for tutorials and other information. Also, join our forum to engage in some great conversation.

23 October 2005

Robin Williams Introduces You to Mac OS X - Sample Chapter is provided courtesy of Peachpit Press.

by macroron
Tiger is the latest and greatest version of the Mac OS X operating system. But even though it's the latest and greatest, it's still Mac OS X. In this chapter, you'll become familiar with Mac basics as beloved author Robin Williams shows you how to use the

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last mark : 04/11/2005 11:54