November 2006
DLFP: Microsoft une interopérabilité difficile avec la communauté du logiciel libre
by clochixArticle interessant avec de nombreux pointeurs sur l'intéropérabilité entre les produits, entre autre ceux de Microsoft
September 2006
July 2006
Open XML Translator : Clever Age réalise pour Microsoft Corp. un plugin permettant à Word 2007 d’utiliser le format OpenDocument (ODF) d’OpenOffice - Gastero Prod - Nicolas Hoizey
by benoit & 2 othersClever Age réalise pour Microsoft Corp. un plugin permettant à Word 2007 d’utiliser le format OpenDocument (ODF) d’OpenOffice
Microsoft Expands Document Interoperability: Company to sponsor open source project for Open XML-ODF file translation to deliver more choice for government customers and their constituents.
by benoit & 2 others“OpenXML represents a paradigm shift not only in its architecture but also in the customer needs it serves, opening organizations’ existing documents to take advantage of new content management and collaboration scenarios that weren’t possible even as recently as a few years ago ,” said Frédéric Bon, CEO of Clever Age. “Through the documentation Ecma International is creating and work such as the Open XML Translator project, customers will soon have the confidence that Open XML and ODF formats can coexist and new document scenarios will flourish. We are looking forward to working with the community of developers and businesses interested in XML documents.”
March 2006
(5 marks)