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PUBLIC MARKS with tag ontario


What is a Healthy Skin Diet ?

by clarity (via)
Your diet is no. 1. For a healthy skin, you must eat healthy. A healthy skin diet is most impotent to fight against rosacea/acne. Diet controls the shape and state of our bodies, minds and skin. Chantal Ward, RN and Medical Aesthetic Expert, encourages those with sensitive skin to consider a “Rosacea Diet”, the best diet for someone with Rosacea or any other inflammatory condition, as it typically an alkaline diet. Here is a must read article by claritymedspa for a healthy skin Diet.

Where do wrinkles and folds come from?

by clarity (via)
As we grow older our skin gets thinner, drier and less elastic and skin's capability to protect itself also reduces with the process of aging and a fold or ridge gives your face a wrinkled expression which is know are wrinkles and fold. Some other reasons can be smoking, genetic factor, exposure to ultra-violet rays and lighter skin etc.Sun damage, smoking, dehydration, some medications, as well as a number of other factors may also cause wrinkles to develop.


CNW Group | MINISTERE DES SERVICES SOCIAUX ET COMMUNAUTAIRES DE L'ONTARIO | L'Ontario lance la Semaine nationale pour l'intégration des personnes handicapées

by naudjf (via)
La norme pour les services à la clientèle - la première norme d'accessibilité de l'Ontario - est entrée en vigueur le 1er janvier 2008. Cette norme permettra à davantage de clients d'avoir accès à des produits, des services et des emplois en obligeant les entreprises à devenir accessibles. La norme prévoit aussi les politiques et la formation que les entreprises devront adopter pour mieux servir leurs clients handicapés



Yahoo! 360° ■ Gérard Delisle ■ Ottawa, ON Canada

by Gérard Delisle
Ma passion est la photo. Cette page présente des liens qui mènent vers mes photos, mes blogues ainsi que mes signets virtuels (photographie et autres sujets ----■---- Photography is my passion. This page has links to my photos, my blogs and also to my favorites sites (photography and other areas of interest) ---■--- [email protected]

Le Monde de Titus

by TitusFR
Le Blog-Découverte : Titus & son monde, Le Salon de musique, Le salon littéraire, les Rencontres de Titus, les Sorties de Titus... Musique, littérature, arts et culture.

Art Gallery of Ontario - Photo exhibition - Ansel Adams & Alfred Eisenstaedt

by Gérard Delisle
Two phototographers - Two visions November 18, 2006 to February 4, 2007 Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Bibliothèque publique d'Ottawa

by & 1 other
bibliothèque municipale, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Radio-Canada Ottawa/Gatineau

Nouvelles et actualités d' Ottawa (Ontario) et de Gatineau (Québec), région de la capitale nationale du Canada

Stéphane Delisle 1997 - conférence de l'UNESCO en Gréce, Unesco conference in Greece

Stéphane et onze autres jeunes journalistes ont fait la promotion de la Conférence internationale sur l'environnement et la société : éducation et sensibilisation du public à la durabilité, Gréce, 8 au 12 décembre 1997 -----------------------Stéphane and other members of TG Magazine's youth team covered the "International Conference on Environment and Society: Education and Public Awareness for Sustainability" in Greece, December 8-12, 1997


UPDATE 1-Ontario awards C$2 bln in renewable power deals

by multilinko (via)
Ontario's government awarded C$2 billion ($1.7 billion) in contracts to build wind and hydro power projects on Monday in an effort to have 10 percent of electricity in Canada's biggest market generated by renewable sources. Ontario Energy Minister Donna Cansfield said she had granted awards for eight wind facilities and one hydroelectric development, which will supply a total of 975 megawatts, enough to power more than 250,000 homes. The awards come in response to a request for proposals for 1,000 MW, issued in April 2004.

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Gérard Delisle
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