La Coinche
by France (via)Le portail de la belote en ligne ! Venez découvrir, apprendre, ou vous confronter à d'autres joueurs dans une ambiance ludique et conviviale.
Liusee - 六色图影 - 你的图片发布和共享空间
by jackiege所有图片都可外链,直接复制图片代码,可用于论坛、贴图。可设置保护模式,非好友无法查看和外链。支持游客免注册上传。不加水印。
Tagyu :: Automatically categorize the web
by jackiege & 11 others托管服务通过检测文件的关键词/标签/分类自动生产文件的元数据,自动提供广告的语义相关性和内容分类
tagthe.net - Webservice that tags your resources
by jackiege & 5 others很简单的tag应用,通过用户提供的UTF8编码文字或者URL推荐相应的tag,输入文本的结果还有URN
Tagground - The social bookmarking mashup.
by ycc2106 & 4 othersNew Ajax social bookmark URL(you can see with what tags one have bookmarked you) and tag search. Says it will be adding more social bookmarking query services almost daily.
Trendio.com - The first stock exchange on headline news
by ycc2106 & 1 otherOn Trendio.com, you can bet on the popularity of politicians, sporting teams or events, ideas, stars, natural catastrophies, etc., in fact on any word that makes the headlines. The words are rated according to the number of times they appear in 3000 anglophone media web sites from around the world. Buy the words you believe in, sell the others!
by ycc2106The word clouds we use at snapshirts.com are arranged alphabetically and depict more frequently used words in progressively larger fonts.
by ycc2106 & 3 othersThe word clouds we use at snapshirts.com are arranged alphabetically and depict more frequently used words in progressively larger fonts. Prints T-shirts too