public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags online & people


mom, this is how twitter works. | not just for moms!

by jeanruaud (via)
Twitter is an online social networking tool in which users post 140 character updates of what is going on in their lives along with links to things they think are interesting, funny, or useful to their followers (“following” being essentially what “friending” is on other sites). People use twitter in many ways, some as a newsfeed by following prominent people or networks, some as a pseudo-chatroom by limiting their followers and whom they follow to close friends and family, and some as a microblog for updating people about the work they are doing and their personal lives.


You’ve Got to Have (150) Friends -

by jeanruaud
Put simply, our minds are not designed to allow us to have more than a very limited number of people in our social world. The emotional and psychological investments that a close relationship requires are considerable, and the emotional capital we have available is limited. Indeed, no matter what Facebook allows us to do, I have found that most of us can maintain only around 150 meaningful relationships, online and off — what has become known as Dunbar’s number. Yes, you can “friend” 500, 1,000, even 5,000 people with your Facebook page, but all save the core 150 are mere voyeurs looking into your daily life — a fact incorporated into the new social networking site Path, which limits the number of friends you can have to 50. What’s more, contrary to all the hype and hope, the people in our electronic social worlds are, for most of us, the same people in our offline social worlds. In fact, the average number of friends on Facebook is 120 to 130, just short enough of Dunbar’s number to allow room for grandparents and babies, people too old or too young to have acquired the digital habit.



Rapleaf -- Portable Ratings for Buyers and Sellers

by ycc2106
Search people and also let's you create a reputation button for your blog

Uma vida Luís Felipe

by luisfos7
Meu blog, fotolog e compartilhador de sites favoritos.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag online

instrument +   sound +   synth +  

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last mark : 05/04/2006 05:21