public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags online & cms


PageLime - The Flat File Hosted CMS for Designers, Developers, and Web Agencies

by ycc2106 & 2 others
You mark up areas in your pages using CSS classes, and then log into PageLime. We connect to your site, figure out what parts are editable based on the CSS classes, and let you edit your pages. Once you're done with your edits, PageLime publishes the changes to your site using FTP (or one of our other publishing methods).

2008 : Your bookmarks on the web

by camel & 4 others is a CMS to put your bookmarks online with folksonomy support; just like, but the big diference is you will have the complete control of the source code. - create your website easily

by camel & 3 others
Webnode brings you a brand new innovative way of creating and editing advanced websites by just using a web browser. The system is very easy to use and is fully interactive. Real-time fast editing as you see it in the browser. By using Drag-and-Drop from the toolbar you can add new content such as polls, forums, articles, catalogues, widgets such as PayPal and much more. Webnode contains more than 40 beautiful templates or you can make your own. Webnode is completely free. There is no catch.



by cyborgjeff & 42 others
outil web permettant de créer des previsualisation de liens


StarterBase : Welcome!

by ycc2106
Starterbase lets you create and share simple web applications without any coding knowledge. You can create a CRM database, a bug tracking system, a to-do list, a product catalog...anything you want and share it with others.

mOOflex™ (webapplication)²

by ycc2106
So if you’re interested, take a look at the real app, using demo as username and demo as password. Ajax, tags , live search and more...

Jotspot Tracker - BETA

by ycc2106 & 6 others
Add files, pictures, rich-format comments, and hyperlinks, See calendar and map views, Copy and paste from Excel, Share it securely on the web


Création facile de pages web...

by red_one_dan & 3 others (via)
Professions libérales, Commerçants, Artisants, PME/PMI... Répondez présent sur Internet, créez votre page Web en ligne! (gratuit et sans-pub :-)

Création facile de pages web...

by fconcept & 3 others
Professions libérales, Commerçants, Artisants, PME/PMI... Répondez présent sur Internet, créez votre page Web en ligne! (gratuit et sans-pub :-)

P a s s e o . i n f o ( le web-service )

by fconcept
Pour créer sa page web quand on est une petite entreprise, profession libérale, artisant, commerce... Testez la demo, on ne peut pas faire plus SIMPLE!

P a s s e o . i n f o

by fconcept
Pour créer sa page web quand on est une petite entreprise, profession libérale, artisant, commerce... Testez la demo, on ne peut pas faire plus SIMPLE!

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag online

: +   access +   composant +   d'authentification +   forte +  

Active users

last mark : 25/10/2009 22:18

last mark : 14/03/2009 04:59

last mark : 03/07/2008 22:05

last mark : 21/01/2008 16:58

last mark : 16/01/2008 15:18

last mark : 20/11/2007 14:11

last mark : 08/11/2007 08:53

last mark : 22/03/2007 22:37

last mark : 24/05/2006 16:45

last mark : 24/01/2006 08:59

last mark : 17/11/2005 01:06

last mark : 16/07/2007 19:56