19 June 2006
08 May 2006
Share Your OPML » Top 100 Feeds
by ycc2106 & 24 othersTo participate, create an account and upload an OPML file containing the content feeds that you read. Most feed readers like Bloglines, NewsGator, Rojo, Attensa, etc. store the feeds that you read in the OPML file format and can be exported. The feeds that are included in your OPML file are aggregated with feeds other people have uploaded. If you don’t know what all this stuff means, don’t worry.
03 May 2006
Social Bookmarking Feeds OPML Generator
by ycc2106OPML code generator for del.icio.us, Simpy, Connotea, CiteULike and/or Scuttle RSS feeds, with options for URL structures (used by del.ico.us, Connotea and Scuttle) username and tags. Generate an OPML file (or just a list of feed URLs) for , ,
(4 marks)