16 June 2018 05:00
Grammar in Context 3 - 6th edition | Learning English Together
by tadeufilippiniThe Sixth Edition of the best-selling Grammar in Context series, inspires learners through compelling stories, National Geographic images, and content, relevant to students' lives. Students learn more, remember more, and use language more effectively when they learn grammar in context.
File size: 135.962 MB
File type: PDF, MP3
15 June 2018 21:00
Instant Grammar Lessons - Book5s.com : : Free download English E-Books
by tadeufilippiniINSTANT GRAMMAR LESSONS is part of National Geographic Learning’s series of photocopiable teachers’ resource books. It provides supplementary practice for students who have already met the main areas of English grammar.
Language(s): American English
Level(s): Intermediate
Author : Alan Batters
112 Pages Paperback
1st Edition
File type: PDF; 4MB;
(2 marks)