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PUBLIC MARKS with tags mysql & windows


BitNami :: MAMPStack

by nhoizey
"BitNami MAMPStack greatly simplifies the development and deployment of PHP applications. It includes ready-to-run versions of Apache, MySQL, PHP and phpMyAdmin and required dependencies."


WampServer 2 : installation PHP MySQL Apache

by rmaltete & 13 others
WampServer est une plate-forme de développement Web sous Windows. Il vous permet de développer des applications Web dynamiques à l'aide du serveur Apache2, du langage de scripts PHP et d'une base de données MySQL. Il possède également PHPMyAdmin et SQLite Manager pour gérer plus facilement vos bases de données. Comme vous allez le voir, WampServer s'installe facilement et son utilisation très intuitive permet de le configurer très rapidement (sans toucher aux fichiers de configuration). Contrairement aux autres solutions, WampServer vous permet de reproduire fidélement votre serveur de production. Une fois la base installée, vous avez la possibilité d'ajouter autant de versions de Apache, MySQL et PHP que vous le souhaitez. WampServer dispose également d'un "TrayIcon" vous permettant de gérer et configurer simplement vos serveurs, sans toucher aux fichiers de configuration. Anciennement WAMP5


Server2Go - Self configurable WAMPP Stack

by camel
Server2Go is a Webserver that runs out of the box without any installation and on write protected media. This means that web applications based on Server2Go can be used directly from cdrom, a usb stick or from any folder on a hard disk without the hassle of configuring Apache, PHP or MySQL. Server2Go allows you to create a standalone working web site or PHP application on a CD-ROM. There are many examples of its possible useses such as catalogue software, calculation programmes, image campaigns (CMS-based), computer based training lessons or other applicatons. Most PHP-Software such as the content management system Joomla or the computer based training software Moodle can be used from CD-ROM with the help of Server2Go. Server2Go was developed in the first instance for use on CD-ROM but there is no problem in using it from other drives too. Using a web browser, a user can run php programs as well as view html files on the CD-ROM. He only needs to insert a CD with Server2Go. The server software starts automatically and a browser is opened with the Website of the CD-ROM. Server2Go was built in the first place to replace other CD-ROM webservers such as WampOnCD or Microweb that lacked some important features or are not being actively developed. Main Features * Free! No royalties * Complete WAMPP Server-Stack * Runs directly from CD-ROM, USB Stick or Hard disk without installation * Full featured webserver (based on apache) * PHP 5.x support with many extensions installed (e.g. gd) * Supports SQLite databases * Runs on all versions of Windows from Win 98 and above, MAC OSX support is coming * Support for MySQL 5 Databases * Supports many PHP extensions (GD-Lib, PDO...) by default * Support for Perl 5.8


MySQL AB :: MySQL GUI Tools Downloads

by parmentierf & 1 other
This is the MySQL GUI Tools Bundle for 5.0. It includes the following products. * MySQL Administrator 1.2 Generally Available (GA) * MySQL Query Browser 1.2 Generally Available (GA) * MySQL Migration Toolkit 1.1 Generally Available (GA)

SymfonyOnWampEnFrancais - symfony - Trac

by martinsam (via)
Installation d'après Pear de Symfony sur Wamp

The Uniform Server

by kaihsyn & 2 others
哇賽! 可以隨身帶著走的Server耶! 用來測試網頁執行最方便了.


by alex01698
WebLog sur l’informatique générale et plus précisément sur l’OpenSource, le Libre et le développement


How to Install PHP 5, Apache 2, MySQL 4.1, SQLite, SQLite Manager and XSLT on Windows

by renatolz
This workshop shows you how to install PHP 5, Apache 2, MySQL 4.1, SQLite, SQLite Manager and XSLT on Windows. It will also teach you how to use the new OOP features of PHP 5 as well as communicate to you a philosophy of web site design in order to build

MySQL GUI Windows

by [NikO]
Outils pour la conception de base de données.

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