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PUBLIC MARKS with tags mydelicious & search

June 2005

Channel9 Wiki: DesktopSearchIFilters

by svartling & 1 other
Search even more file types and content sources by downloading the add-ins listed below. Windows Desktop Search automatically detects new add-ins, so once you've downloaded the add-in, Desktop Search will very quickly start indexing the new file types.


by svartling & 20 others
YubNub is a command-line for the web. After setting it up on your browser, you simply type "gim porsche 911" to do a Google Image Search for pictures of Porsche 911 sports cars. Type "random 49" to return random numbers between 1 and 49, courtesy of rando

Gataga - Social bookmark search and exploration engine

by svartling & 8 others
Gataga searches bookmarks from, blogmarks, blinklist, jots, spurl, furl, simpy and connotea. - Online Dictionary, Encyclopedia and much more

by svartling & 73 others
Meta-reference search engine powered by GuruNet. 1-Click Answers enable lookup by alt-clicking any word in any application.

January 2005

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag mydelicious

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last mark : 22/06/2005 17:30