public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags msie & javascript

October 2008

SitePen Blog » The Cross-Browser Window Focus Blues

by greut

you want it to lock the user out when the browser hasn’t had focus after 15 minutes? Well that’s easy you think, I’ll just connect to the document’s blur and focus events and be good to go.

msie6 quirkiness

June 2008

Finally, the alternative fix for IE6's memory leak is available

by greut & 1 other

the alternative fix for IE6's memory leak is available

try finally does the job for you.

January 2008

GPDE Team Blog : JavaScript Memory Leak Detector

by greut & 1 other

JavaScript Memory Leak Detector is a debugging tool to detect memory leaks in JavaScript code. It can be installed as an Internet Explorer band and it is expressly designed to find memory leaks in JavaScript code that runs in Internet Explorer.

July 2007

Taming opacity with Texts for Internet Explorer

by greut
Taming opacity with Texts for Internet Explorer

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag msie

ajax +   dhtml +   internetexplorer +   web2.0 +  

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last mark : 13/10/2008 07:38