October 2007
The Space Place :: Planet X-treme Weather
by knannInteresting comparison of EXTREME weather on other planets. Could be adapted for Clicker5
July 2007
Singing Science Records
by knannScience songs on topics of space,energy &motion, weather, and nature. Right click, choose "save Target As" to download the MP3. Songs are definitely dated, but older students and music teachers may enjoy updating the music style, perhaps to a rap tempo or, be inspired to create their own songs. Good resource for differentiation.
June 2007
Return of the 17 Year Cicadas
by knannRelaxing and informative movie created by college students. Might be useful for differentiation
November 2006
..::The Hobby Shop::..
by knannEngaging, Interactive science simulations. Explore projectile motion, chemistry, rocketry, a virtual microscope, and complete experiments based on the Periodic Table. Good for enrichment. Teacher resources available.
(4 marks)