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PUBLIC MARKS with tags mmog & "blog post"

March 2006

Helios Pong - Edge Online

by bcpbcp (via)
In his book Out of Control, author Kevin Kelley describes a Las Vegas conference room where a crowd of 5000, led by Pixar co-founder and Rescue on Fractalus co-creator Loren Carpenter, learn to adapt and react as a hive mind as they play a game of 2500 on 2500 Pong. Each half of the auditorium took collective control of each side, registering their individual intent to move in a certain direction with the wand. The input led to a computer, which averaged and relayed the moves to the game, with initially disastrous but eventually workable results.

January 2006

GameCultura: MMO's para idiotas

by bcpbcp
Essa é a dica de leitura da semana. Massive Multiplayer Games for Dummies, de Scott Jennings. A série For Dummies (para idiotas) é uma série de muito sucesso nos Estados Unidos, que aqui no Bananão tem sido traduzida pela Berkerley com o título Para Leigos. Afinal de contas, por aqui não existem idiotas.

Raph’s Website » Audition

by bcpbcp
As with many of the Asian games, there’s a nominally massively multiplayer lobby, which you enter minimally multiplayer games from. You play the game in order to earn virtual cash, plus you buy a different sort of virtual cash. You can then buy further accessories for your character (clothes, character customization, etc) and new stuff to play (in this case, songs) with that money.

Terra Nova: The Numbers Game

by bcpbcp
There’s been an interesting backchannel discussion between several TN folks about the numbers of people in various online worlds. Or at least, the numbers publicly claimed and what they might mean.

November 2005

Yahoo! 360° - Computer Mediated Communication - Yume : A 15 year quest completed

by bcpbcp (via)
"15 years ago I traveled to Japan with my family as part of a Fujitsu marketing campaign for the Japanese version of Habitat, the first avatar virtual world. "

October 2005

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last mark : 05/03/2006 01:30