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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "mise en page" & css


Creating Non-Rectangular Layouts with CSS Shapes

by srcmax & 1 other
With the introduction of CSS Shapes into the web, wrapping content in custom non-rectangular shapes, and recreating print designs and layouts on the web becomes a piece of cake!



Dnevnik eklektika // CSS gallery layout—smells like a table

by hobbes (via)
Setting up a gallery layout is not exactly one of the jobs I am looking forward to doing. I assume you all are using lists by now to lay out thumbnail galleries, right? If so, you already know that those kind of semantic gallery layouts require a lot of CSS code, and not a lot of these layouts are flexible enough – at least for my taste – so I decided to give it a go and I came up with a pretty robust solution that works in all modern browsers and it’s „behavior” resembles a what we could call a „table like behavior”. - Something about web design » Blog Archive » Image gallery that doesn’t fall apart

by hobbes
If you use some kind of CMS or your own news script, you can the solution explained in this article. I will show you how to create an image gallery that doesn’t falls apart when different sizes of images are loaded and with no images being distorted.

Div et CSS : une mise en page rapide et facile - Club d'entraide des développeurs francophones

by titoumimi
La mise en page en utilisant des tableaux est fortement déconseillée. Mais comment faire autrement ? Cet article va vous expliquer pas à pas comment arriver aux même résultats, le plus simplement du monde.


TheBoxOffice - CSS Text wrap generator

by srcmax & 3 others
Permet de générer le code XHTML et CSS pour qu'un texte contourne une image.


intensivstation :: CSS Templates :: Templates

by sledge & 55 others
12 modèles de mise en page via CSS valides - La mise en page

by bobmorane & 1 other
Mise en page avec feuilles de style

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "mise en page"

art Direction +   editorial +   grid +   identité visuelle +   london +   magazine +   newspaper +   éditorial +   presse +   print +   studio +   typographie +  

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